“Wearing perfume is one of the original luxury experiences, an experience that is still how you feel when you are wearing the perfume, the senses deeply engaged in the particular nuances of this aroma, at this very moment”

At this very moment...the here and now, the sense of inner peace and participation in the beauty that is around us, endlessly. Consciously smelling is a form of breathing at this very moment, with the hands on the earth.

-What smell would this moment have?- It would smell like clay, she* answered.
-How would the clay smell like?- there was a silence. After her generous and wise hands moved to create that scent and I made the object where it would reside in order to connect you with “this very moment”.

A hand-thrown terracotta bangle with notes of Patchouli, Oakmoss, Vetiver and Iris root, the first of a series of scented bangles for a different luxurious and ephemeral experiences.

(*She is Irati, from Memimolab olfactory studio)